Our Vendors
Sanford, Maine
sourdough bread and baked goods
Big Tree Herb Farm
Lebanon, Maine www.bigtreeherbfarm.com |
fresh and dried culinary and medicinal herbs, salves and skin products
Acton, Maine
kellyorchards.com |
Apples, peaches, blueberries, plums, pears, sweet cider
vegetables, cheese and yogurt, eggs, lamb and pork, vegetable seedlings
Fruit of the Shroom
Sanford, Maine |
fresh culinary and medicinal mushrooms, tinctures
Sanford, Maine
Vegetables, baked goods, flowers
Poplar Brooks Farm
South Berwick, Maine |
vegetables and microgreens
Sanford, Maine
Prepared meals Baked goods, chocolate candies
Chill Hill Farm and Forest
W. Newfield, Maine |
flowers, plants, vegetables
Crochet Delight |
Sanford, Maine
yarn and crocheted items